Quote Originally Posted by Ray View Post
How is it that the Chinese are more welcome than the US, who shovel in more money than all, in many parts of the world (even though they are now being disliked since they possibly remind that they are adopting the old imperialist ways!)
The Chinese are welcomed by leaders because they shovel money directly into the bank accounts of those leaders without hesitation or restriction. The Chinese are rapidly making themselves as hated as westerners in much of the world, largely due to bribery (always hated by those who don't get the bribes) and racism.

Quote Originally Posted by Ray View Post
The Soviets were peasants, atheists and classless and they had no airs or agenda to change people to their ways or ideology. They had no hang up about race or colour!
What I hear from the Vietnamese is that the Russians were arrogant, condescending, racist, and epically malodorous. Their help was accepted only because it was needed and there was nowhere else to get it, and relations broke down quickly once the help was no longer required.