Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post
Moorer has no place to hide, the man was a moral coward.
Misperception based sweeping judgements a specialty?
I hope this matter is now settled (which it will be all other than for the blindly loyal).
We knew it was settled in your mind before this sub thread gathered steam. No one had any idea of changing that. -- or any desire to do so.

The intent was merely to set the record straight for observers and not let ignorance, misperceptions and / or bias rule. That's been done.
Another very tragic aspect to this is that the very same Groupthink which had led to the Bay of Pigs fiasco was still alive and well in the US system.
Sadly, that factor still exists here and elsewhere in the world. Thank you for finally acknowledging that there is indeed such a politically induced and bureaucratic phenomenon and that it does significantly affect military operations. That principle is correct even if you did, as often occurs, get the specifics rather badly wrong on this particular incident.