Quote Originally Posted by Surferbeetle View Post
Hmmm...so then, your considered analysis still boils down to unsubstantiated allegations, with a baseline of 'leave the POWs to the tender mercies of their captors'?

Poor form at best.
Look I don't understand your inability to understand the most simple truth... and that being the camp was empty. There were no POW's there... the evidence points to that this was known by Moorer/Blackburn/Bennett before the raid was launched. Yet it went ahead placing the soldiers and airmen involved at an unacceptable risk on a fruitless exercise.

The charade of Son Tay resulted in the consolidation of US POWs to location beyond the reach of rescue.

If you want to do it you need to do it right but with the best will in the world and the best troops it is the string of intelligence failures and severe limitations in the top levels of US military command (at the time) that made these kind of operations a near impossibility to conduct effectively.