For those of you with AKO access, in Aug 04 MNC-I published a handy little TTP on Passive HUMINT Collection, intended for the non-HUMINT trained soldier. Its useful.
yep and Ft Huachuca disavowed it almost immediately. As for the every Soldier a Sensor, that is directed not so much as a HUMINT team substitute but to get back to basics in recce, int, and observation--those would be called basic skills in another era, especially for scouts.

Personally I too thought the MNC-I guide was great because it "de-mystified" the HUMINT cult, and that is probably why Huachuca did not like it. I ran into the exact same attitude when dealing with HUMINTers sitting at desks in DC when I was collecting on the ground in Africa.

And I understand fully Wierdbeard's concerns because I saw many of the same things happen in training and in operations when someoine starting winging it. Your concerns on senior transfers into the field are also valid; I have seen some of the same thing happen when it came to the "dual track" FAOs who had very little time in their AO but looked great on paper.

