As expected journalists have descended upon Zwichau, ostensibly to get first-hand information, there is some in this article, although this section struck me as reflecting media briefings:

...if the German authorities know the significance of the logo, they are not saying yet. But it is clear that they have much more information on the gang. The trio first came to their attention in the mid 1990s, when they belonged to a far-Right Kameradschaft, or comradeship group, in the east German town of Jena, where they all grew up.

Germany's equivalent of MI5 had 24 fat files on the group's activities, including details of Bhnhardt's arrest for hanging a Jewish mannequin from a highway bridge, and Miss Zschpe being charged with hate speech for having a Monopoly board with a "concentration camp" instead of a "jail" square.
But in 1998, after being accused of a pipe bomb plot, the three went on the run remaining free despite what German police claimed was an "extensive manhunt".

Some believe that Germany's recent experience of Islamic terrorists in particular the so-called Hamburg cell, who were key to the September 11 attacks led the country's security services to overlook domestic threats