The Poles had the choice between guys like him and the Germanophobe tin foil-hat populists of their previous government...

There's some truth in his words, but Germany can only fix the mess completely by reversing its course totally. ECB money as short term fix and permanently high inflation in Germany and some other well-off Euro zone countries as long-term fix.
We're not going to do that, for the pressure of the problem is not really on us.

In fact, the left wing in Germany is so deeply asleep that it didn't yet grasp that part of the problem are the low wage increases in Germany - a cause that they should fight against with enthusiasm.
In stead, we've go the un-economics Greens, the badly mauled social democrats who still didn't recover from betraying the worker class and the (on the federal level) boycotted far left party that's composed of the former left wing of the social democrats and the former (?) communists.
None of them raises a voice in favour of a 10% wage increase, and even if they did: There's an autonomy between employers and employees. The government or legislative simply does not dictate wages in Germany.

We would need to undo the reforms of the past 15 years in order to lower the competitiveness of the German export economy far enough to allow the Mediterranean region to recover from our trade pressure.

The tragedy is that a few countries with competitive industries pushed for ever greater competitiveness, while countries with rather uncompetitive industries were content with the bubbles enabled/caused by the common currency and the associated blind trust of many incompetent financial market players.