Posted by Ray,

One has to see the police videos of the US police in action to believe it.

The manner in which your police operates, it can't be done in India or Pakistan or even in Bangladesh.

Such highhandedness and the police will get thrashed.

I admit that some of our cops act inappropriately sometimes during an arrest (excessive force), but that is due to poor training, poor selection, and factors related to adrenalin during the arrest. The key is that this behavior isn't accepted as norm, but based on the excessive media coverage you would think that is the case. We don't have thousands of people die our prisons due to torture.

It is also important to point out that we publicize the violations and then take corrective action against those who violated the rules.

We don't have extralegal uprisings and insurgencies in our nation due to abuses, because our system addresses the abuses. Quite a difference.