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Thread: Understanding Indian Insurgencies

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  1. #11
    Council Member
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Calcutta, India


    Quote Originally Posted by Backwards Observer View Post
    I dunno, dead men tell no tales?

    Ray, India just got crowned prom queen of Asia; the judges even renamed the region the 'Indo-Pacific' to make you feel extra-special. To show your appreciation for the uranium deal, you fired off the Agni IV, 'China Killer', quite a witty move, in my pointless opinion. I don't think the West is going to be pushing you too hard on anything, you're the world's largest democracy! Relax and enjoy!

    Now, if you'll excuse me, it's morning here in the antipodes, I need a drink.
    Semantics does not really matter.

    Indo Pacific is possibly a derivative from the Oceans of the region that matter for the US. I wonder if it is India centric. But then India does worry some people!

    Uranium deal is no great shakes either.

    Agni IV is what is known as an instrument for a balance of power. If China did not have it, where is the requirement for such a waste of money? Now, tell us who does China fear to have their own Agni? It is after all a Peace loving country!! Or so they claim and tomtom on the rooftops and hector others to save the money for their poor and hungry! China, of course, has no poverty and they are all millionaires! The ideal nation in the world from where the rich Chinese are emigrating!

    Not to worry about the world largest democracy. One has to observe the Most Peaceful Rise of Chin, where it claims the complete Pacific, so to say, and then uses muscle power till Uncle Sam joins the show and wonders at the Peaceful Rise and the reach of the real prom Queen and toast of the Century!

    Well, you seem to enjoy being in the cups!
    Last edited by Ray; 12-05-2011 at 07:14 AM.


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