In my History "Lite" course there is a format that is used that I think could be useful here with my little brain child. The class is huge (100+) so the prospect of many tests and lots of quizzes are not as feasible as they would be in a class of 20. A method the professors use (it is co-taught) to ensure that students are attending class and paying attention is something they call "Signs of Life." I don't know if anyone here has heard of this or something like it but they basically present a question on the internet system we have for school (Blackboard) sometime after the first lecture of the week. Every student is required to check in (from wherever they choose, wherever they have internet access) by 11:00 PM every Saturday of that week and show some "Sign of Life." If they did not attend they won't know what the hell they are talking about and won't receive credit. If they are not paying attention same thing...

Where I am going with this is, how much time in the week do your Marines spend watching porn, or stupid movies? How much time do your Marines spend reading Maxim or Hustler? Why not fill that time requiring them to learn about Salamis or the United States government under a mentorship? Why can't we put their asses to work? If every week a Marine was required to spend one hour of his libo time writing his notes on what he learned from his "War Dad" and submitting them he would be a much more well rounded and educated Marine when he is finished. I know colleges would respect their SMART transcripts a great deal more if they could say "Look pal, I wrote a freakin paper every week for four years... I dont need to take this Comp Class" and if helping that young Marine for a period of time only enables him to skip four stupid classes and save $3,000 on their education it would be well worth the time and energy invested.