A BBC report starting with the UK's development minister and a quick overview of Somali primarily:http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-16296849

He said it would also help prevent terrorism and disorder in Somalia which was a "direct threat" to the UK.

"There are probably more British passport holders engaged in terrorist training in Somalia than in any other country in the world...This is not only about saving the lives of huge numbers of vulnerable babies and children, it is also about doing the right thing to promote British security."
An intriguing comment as most attention has been on the human traffic between the UK and Pakistan, with irregular "leaks" and rare arrests etc. The Somali community in the UK is smaller too.

There's also another international conference to be held in London in February 2012.

As for this comment:
Across Britain there is a very strong feeling that it is right to spend a very small amount of money, something like 1% of all the public expenditure that takes place in Britain, on helping people who are in a wretched and desperate condition
IIRC opinion polling does not support the scale of UK overseas aid, which is set to grow due to previous commitments amidst cuts at home, e.g. 20% for policing over three years. Nor does most aid go to places like Somalia.