Quote Originally Posted by Stan View Post
I don't wish to quibble with your predictions, but, Boko Haram isn't even in the top 50 list. In fact, I can't find a single secure source that even lists them as anything ? Who established them as terrorists ?
Top 50 list of what? The are local terrorists. There very operations make them such. What I say is, "Boko Haram is the most ACTIVE terrorist group on the planet." Ok, that may be a bit of stretch, I am not as aware of the world as I am Africa. Yet, one would be hard pressed to find as many operations carried out by any group over the past 6 months.

It is no surprise that, to me, that Boko Haram does not appear on any "top 50 list", if such exists. Americans and westerners are mostly unaware of or discount much of what goes on in Africa.

Quote Originally Posted by Stan View Post
You are also well aware of the fact that the Christians and Muslims have been doing church bombings well before (2 or even 3 decades) Boko Haram came to be. Right ?
Exactly, I am not ignorant or unaware of that fact. What Nigeria is on the verge of right now is a much wider spread battle between Christians and Muslims than has been seen there in recent history. Many who live there see this coming, in fact it may well already be spreading.

Quote Originally Posted by Stan View Post
What rumored USA assistance are you referring to? USG links please.
If there were a USG link for it, it wouldn't be a rumor would it? The rumors about US involvement have been discussed right here on this forum in the Nigeria area. It is a rumor, sure not much different than rumors of involvement elsewhere. The only difference is Nigeria is Africa's most populous country, there is substantial oil heading for the USA everyday from Nigeria's Delta region. Are our memories too short to remember what oil has to do with US military involvement? But still it is only a rumor, don't get so upset, YET.