Quote Originally Posted by M-A Lagrange View Post
There is may be no full scale war in DRC yet but there are already a lot of small scale fights in the East between FDLR and Mayi-Mayi or FARDC. Time will tell but the story will not be nice and peacefull.
Indeed, M-A, and not humanely.

Rwandan Rebels Kill Dozens of Civilians The Rwandan rebel group, Forces dmocratiques pour la libration du Rwanda (FDLR), killed 39 people on Monday and Tuesday in the Shabunda region of South Kivu, human rights groups have told Radio Okapi.

The groups reported that 30 people were killed in Luyuyu, among them a pregnant woman whose stomach was hacked open and her baby removed.

Eight were killed in Ngolombe and the village head of Kishenya was decapitated. Then depot of the aid agency, Action Solidarit, was also vandalized and medication destroyed.

A number of sources told Radio Okapi that the FDLR has promised to "shoot at everything that moves" on its way to capturing the entire Shabunda area.

The assailants reportedly said the attacks were reprisals against people for siding with youths who have organized themselves into vigilante groups to fight the rebels.