A short KoW comment by David Betz that takes imagination - in my case - to follow. Citing a German source:
1. If Greece gets the next big (80 billion Euro) tranche of IMF-EU bailout moulah in March; then,

2. it will be able to conclude a whole bunch of new defence contracts including, inter alia, new Eurofighter jets, frigates from France, submarines from Germany, and Apache helicopters from the USA.

He's also written a wider comment on the world economy, with many valid points beyond money. This is only a taster:
If you’ve read a newspaper lately you’ll have seen ample evidence that no one has the faintest idea how to deal with simultaneously:

a credit bubble
a bond bubble
a real estate bubble and a farmland bubble
a commodities bubble, and
several currency bubbles.
(Plus a higher education bubble?)