Quote Originally Posted by Ray View Post

The US was never an imperialist power.

In fact, the US supported Indian Independence Movement and showcased it to the extent feasible!

This is known to all Indians, including the rural illiterates!

That is why we feel sorry that there was a man called John Foster Dulles, who soured our admiration for the US.

Thank God, it is history and we are back to admiring the US! We share the agony every time the US falters.

Quit Afghanistan, if you can do nothing about it.

But quit with Honour.

No second Vietnam.

No second superpower defeated by the soldiers of Islam!

This is not a US war. Sure, we were the power that put the Northern Alliance on top of the heap, and yes, sadly we have dedicated ourselves for over a decade to artificially sustain them there. But the failure to evolve and extend governance to those vanquished belongs to the Government of Afghanistan.

Not only has the Government of Afghanistan proven itself to be a complete failure at doing anything other than working to protect their Northern Alliance monopoly, they have made no effort to do so and are rather shameless in that fact. This is an "all or nothing" culture, and currently they are the ones that have it all and are quite happy to have ISAF out holding off the rest of the populace while paying GIRoA Billions for the opportunity to do so.

The US has many reasons to feel stupid for the past 10 years, but no reason to feel "defeated."