Carl asks two questions:
What is going to happen after we bug out of Afghanistan? That is going to severely upset the current situation?

I realize I am asking you to speculate, but since Israel is leading us uncomplainingly down the fairy path to war with Iran, how do you think that will play out vis-a-vis GHQ and what they may do? How will they view that?
One, leaving aside the timing and format of a Western, primarily American, exit from Afghanistan, it is very likely that there will be a presence and the flow of funds. Afghanistan is unlikely to be a stable place and Pakistan will still have a NWFP problem - what do we do Sah? Pakistan has plenty of issues that need national attention, for example water supplies, but its institutions show little inclination to say 'No' to buying weapons systems. More of the same I fear. The big difference is that the USA is unlikely to be paying for Pakistan's support.

Two, if there is a war I cannot see the Pakistani public being calm, nor the military. Not convinced it will do anything hostile, although any existing co-operation - principally at sea - will evaporate swiftly.