Go away for a couple days and come back to all kinds of crossfires and verbal fratricide. Appears that everyone knows exactly what the right answer is, what the Syrian people and leadership are thinking, and yet all are in very divergent camps as to what that is.

Is it too late for them to step back from the abyss? Perhaps. Perhaps not. I suspect most on both sides of the issue would prefer a peaceful solution if they felt they could trust in some process to get there. Trust is perhaps the commodity in shortest supply.

Is there a credible third party who could step in and become an agent adequately trusted by both sides to get to some compromised position? Perhaps. France has a growing influence in the region in recent years, but also has a very direct history in this particular location. I don't know if that is good or bad, but I would suspect the latter. Turkey also has a very direct history and shares a closer connection. Perhaps both are too close. As Ken says, the US has no direct interests in Syria. Sometimes knowing the third party has no alternative agenda of using this role to better their own interests in one's backyard is an advantage in getting to trust.

By simply offering the US risks little. By simply urging the parties to step back and consider negotiated options the US risks little. By such actions the US also can take the position that it did what it could to help short of actions violating the sovereignty of the Syrian nation, and if the Syrian people and government neither one are interested, then fine, good luck. We've got other things to worry about elsewhere.

If the President overreacts its one more "war" and that is not good. If he does nothing he is acting counter to our recent strategic theme of "US global leadership" and looks weak. Agree or disagree with US global leadership (I personally find it to be hubris to assume, and wish senior leadership would back off of that theme all together), if one declares oneself the be the leader, one had better lead.

We live in dynamic times. Not to be too "think-tanky," but I don't think anyone has all the answers, and if fact, most are still trying to sort out what the right questions are.