Ray, how do any of these quotes and links suggest that a small infantry exercise focused on insurgency is related to "containing China", or that any South/Southeast Asian military cooperation is caused by a US policy position?

Of course SE Asian nations, and India, are keeping a wary eye on China's military emergence. That's not because the US tells them to, it's because they're neighbors and naturally concerned. Not necessarily fearful, yet, but concerned. That does not mean, of course, that this specific exercise had anything to do with "containing China"... the nature of the exercise suggests that it didn't.

It's fairly obvious that countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam or the Philippines cannot compete with China in the acquisition or deployment of conventional military forces. That doesn't mean they have no options. I'd think they'd be well advised to look closely at the asymmetric naval model employed by the Iranians: focus on small, fast, missile-equipped patrol boats and land-based missiles. They wouldn't be able to defeat the Chinese, just as the Iranians can't defeat the US navy, but they could pose enough of a threat to commerce and to the straits of Malacca that to provide a real disincentive to conflict.