Quote Originally Posted by Dayuhan View Post
This is true, but I think the scale of Chinese assertiveness and the degree of threat posed by China to anyone is often substantially exaggerated.
In a world of diminishing resources, every nation is jockeying to get the maximum out of the seas.

It is natural for China to grab what it can since its long term aim is to rule supreme and even overtake the US as a superpower. I would be surprised if it is canvassed that China is merely doing what she is doing just to keep herself afloat.

In such a scenario, the Chinese activities prove to be a threat to the interests of the neighbouring nations and those who share the waters with her. The threat is more real since the neighbouring nations are in no position to counter the Chinese forays with any conviction.

One has to be a neighbouring nation to realise the threat China poses.

There are no US troops stationed at Subic, not any publicly announced plans to station any there. Stepped up port calls are expected.
Two decades after evicting U.S. forces from their biggest base in the Pacific, the Philippines is in talks with the Obama administration about expanding the American military presence in the island nation, the latest in a series of strategic moves aimed at China.

Although negotiations are in the early stages, officials from both governments said they are favorably inclined toward a deal. They are scheduled to intensify the discussions Thursday and Friday in Washington before higher-level meetings in March. If an arrangement is reached, it would follow other recent agreements to base thousands of U.S. Marines in northern Australia and to station Navy warships in Singapore.


That sounds like they're emulating the US!
Nothing wrong to realise that US sometimes can be right!