A peek into how Nigerians see the botched raid.

Not good for our National image.
Just heard that bast.ard 'Cameron' say he authorised an operation on Nigerian soil - Fc.uk him

How dare he?

He must think Nigeria is Ireland or Scotland.

Boko - Well done on this occassion.

Boko Haram (1) - SAS/SSS - (Nil)

Who are you and where are you from to refer to Nigeria as "your"?

If you're not Nigeria, why can't take your silly story to poundland.com or dailymail.co.uk?!? The honest truth is that, no one in Nigeria cares about this non-story. R.I.P to the dead - but Nigerians could give two fu.cks about this news. If the same British didn't make the North as powerful as it is today - maybe this would never have happened.

Now, crawl back to your hole and change your name to "fathinUKaAaClownB4BnpGetsMe."
I hope the Boko Haram also killed the members of British Special Forces involved in the rescue operation.
Listen mate, R.I.P to the dead - but you don't expect Nigerians to leave what they're doing because a "white" guy was held hostage in the middle of nowhere - just as no British guy would gives a phuck when Shell was destroying Niger/Delta and the innocent people were dying of hunger.
So who are they building the so-called central bank for and how's that going to benefit the people of Birni Kebbi?? I guess the Rothschild - so let them go sort themselves out.

If David Cameron has publicly said "the British government do not pay ransom" - that's his cup of tea, and I'll send him some crumpets via royalmail for a good lunch. This isn't the 19th century and the era of the British Empire where you go about invading other country's sovereignty - you've to play "ball" if you're caught off guard. Play "ball" doesn't mean you're weak (which the UK is right now) - but it will save the lives of innocent people.
Whether they are Nigerians or Chinese the point is - How dare Cameron sanction such an operation on Nigerian Soil?

And why would he be the one who can authorise such an operation - Is GEJ taking orders from him?

The West seem to think they can go where they want, when they want and do what they want.
You can see clearly there that they didn't inform the Italians before they went ahead with the rescue operation. That shows the arrogance of David Cameron - and silly Nigerians are quick to blame Nigeria for the botched rescue stupidity. I doubt even clueless Goodluck Jonathan knew about it - he probably gave the dumb press conference to make his masters happy.
I'm neither a conspiracy theorist nor a Northerner - I'm a proud Yoruba Christian (if growing up in the church applies) - and I abhor every form of terrorism. Y'all can take this lightly and think it's a Northern agenda - but it's far from it. Everything looks like it's scripted, and the scramble for Africa and oil is on. We suddenly realized some KONY guy in Uganda yesterday after 20years of terror - because oil has been discovered in Uganda. Last month was all about Somalia - which they never cared about since 2001, because oil was found in Somalia - and today some hostages that have been in captivity since 2011 were suddenly shot dead.

Stop being naive - once they come into Nigeria - they won't leave till they plunder everything. And once the drones and the hellfire missiles start dropping - it won't just be Northern Nigeria - Niger Delta would also feel it. They don't really care about the North - their eyes are on Niger Delta, the North would just be their operational base. Ask questions!!
Anyway, the so called 'War on Terrors' epicentre is now Nigeria.

The west now have a plausible reason to establish a military base (aka consulate) in Nigeria, a 'Drone Program', flood Nigeria with 'Arms' paid for from future budgets, put 'Boots on the Ground' etc etc.

Some would call it a 'Psychological Operation' - Problem - Reaction - Solution.

Expect 'Defence Spending' to radically increase.

Boko Haram/Al Qaida are now used to refer to the same people = predominantly muslim extremists.

They've used the same 'Modus of Operation' for centuries. It wouldn't suprise me if our 'Dullard President' signs a 'Protection Treaty' with them tomorrow in exchange for the resources of the land.

This ones even more pathetic than the so called 'Bin Laden' capture and murder.
Cameron is not Obama, neither is the Britain anything near America. Trying to spring an Obama surprise failed woefully. this has only bought him fury from the Italians and recriminations will come even from his own parliament.