Leaving aside the failed rescue attempt and the diplomatic tiff with Italy, today's coverage here has stated the British SBS tried to storm the house after a decision to go ahead by the UK PM:http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-17322143 .

What has struck me as odd is the absence of any stated role for the government of Nigeria.

The BBC report by a local reporter states the gunfire went on for hours, you will have to listen to the report:http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-17311568

I fully accept the criticism that KingJaJa has illustrated. One hopes this Anglo-Nigerian cooperation will be bilaterally examined and lessons learnt. Perhaps the UK will then - openly - offer assistance.

Yes, the footage of the house indicates the premises were not secured after the shooting stopped and anyone could wander around. This disregard for basic police procedures and loss of forensic opportunities is not a good sign; not that it does not happen elsewhere, for example Ms Bhutto's murder scene was hosed down.