Like-new hardcover of Son Thang (just under $8 inc. shipping) showed up in my mailbox this noon. It was the property of the Kiel, Wisc. Public Library (no one took it out); and sold by a used book-dealer from near Green Bay. A fluke in parcel post delivery - their loss, my gain.

Anyway, I got through the first two chapters (which includes some of Ollie North and Jim Webb, +s to me); but I have to go back to the hamlet aerial and get the geography and timeline down. Son Thang was not My Lai; but it wasn't Haditha either.

And, yes, after 45 pages, I saw Gary Solis sitting at the prosecution table - e.g., his description of the carnage caused by military munitions (p.45). As a defense counsel, you try to keep out the blood and guts photos; but often that is not possible. To get exclusion, you probably have to stipulate points that the prosecution would otherwise have to prove. As Tony Waller did by pleading Guilty to most of the Specification, but Not Guilty to the Charge and to the rest of the Specification.

Bottom line: Gary Solis would be a formidible opponent (smart guy and good writer).

OK: I followed your tactical advice - books ordered (under $10 inc. shipping)

Something hits me in the gut wrong about a spCM (Herrod's "delayed transition" from 3/3 to 1/7) for a guy who twice went out for a wounded Marine (the same guy, who happened to be Ollie North) and is up for a Silver Star.

