Quote Originally Posted by davidbfpo View Post

The BBC report by a local reporter states the gunfire went on for hours, you will have to listen to the report:http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-17311568

I fully accept the criticism that KingJaJa has illustrated. One hopes this Anglo-Nigerian cooperation will be bilaterally examined and lessons learnt. Perhaps the UK will then - openly - offer assistance.

Yes, the footage of the house indicates the premises were not secured after the shooting stopped and anyone could wander around. This disregard for basic police procedures and loss of forensic opportunities is not a good sign; not that it does not happen elsewhere, for example Ms Bhutto's murder scene was hosed down.
It seems the operation was botched in many ways. Hours of gunfire really surprises me. According to first reports, the security forces, including the British had been informed where the hostages were being held two days before the operation took place. Seems that would be enough time to come up with a plan that would get them into the compound much quicker. The resistance inside must have been far more than they expected.

The crime scene, it seems to me, would have been of great interest to the British as well. Why didn't they help secure it.

I am confident that there are many differences between the US raid in Pakistan that killed Bin Laden. The target was "greater" and they did not have the cooperation of the local government. Sometimes "cooperation" can work against coming up with and carrying out a highly sophisticated plan. Yet, as this operation is picked apart, the Brits will not look good on many levels.

BH has had a great gain from this. The hostages were not freed. They held off the Brits and Nigerian security forces for "hours." Whether the hostages were taken by core BH loyalists or just a splinter, the whole BH movement will have gained considerable fear from the populous and generated some pride and respect from loyalists. Can't help but think this will help their recruitment and funding.