
I don't disagree with anything you say about a lack of interagency cooperation. But I don't think creating another position--with the inevitable bureacracy to support--will affect anything. I suspect it will only make the resistant burrow in deeper.

We have tried CZARS before and they had no lasting effects. Energy Czars, Drug Czars, Disaster Czars, etc etc etc.

One of the measures I always used as an analyst from afar, a historian looking backwards, or an operator on the ground was whether a country actually fixed things that were broken. This rule applies to bureacracies, militaries, people, and infrastructure. The secondary measure I tied to this was if they did not fix what was broken did they replace it and get rid of the old? Or did they add something new that was supposed to do the same job and end up competing units, agencies, parastatals, or even presidents/prime ministers/dictators (this usually led to civil war)?

A War Czar at this stage seems very 3rd World...
