Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
The topic of the NSC came up at a meeting I was at two days ago, and some really smart people pointed out that structurally, the NSC really isn't setup to run the day to day issues that arise in our current fight. These guys also added that the NSC really doesn't have the authorities to what has to happen. Yes, under title II the Prsident is the War Czar, I think he needs an XO or S-3 for what we are currently invovled in. I am currently working on the closest thing to an interagnecy plan, and the friction is enormous. What the President needs is someone who understands what the President wants done, what the principals have bought into, is plugged into what is going on at the execution level (here in DC), and is willing to call Bulls*@# at a principlas/deputies level meeting when the respective agencies brief their stuff with rose colored glasses on. That is what needs to happen.

You just described the role of the National Security Advisor as it should be performed. Rice did not do it that way and I see no signs that is happening now.
