If the allegations prove to be correct, turn him over to the Afghans. He blew any right he had to UCMJ protection. To paraphrase Kipling, let the women go after him with flashing knives...

No sense crying about it. It's done. It has nothing to do with COIN foolishness, with the wrong war in the wrong place, with combat stress, with training or even with METT-TC. It's a pure people thing so I'm also with jmm99. There but for the grace of Harold go I. Never know what will cause a flip out or how it will progress.

I'm also with Bob's World. This will haunt the US for years in strange and unforeseen ways, more so than, say, attacking Iraq. That was national, this is personal. Almost no one remembers Truong Long, almost everyone recalls My Lai. Levels matter...