While it might be emotionally pleasing to turn this guy over to Afghan justice, which would almost certainly be swifter and more decisive than US justice, it would set a terrifying precedent. We have come under fire for turning Afghans over to Afghan justice at times when it was believed that the accused would not receive due process. How much due process do you think that this guy would get? By turning him over to Afghan justice we are basically saying that he is guilty and that he deserves to be punished. Whatever pretense the Afghan courts throw together for show do not really count for much. Based on the reports coming out from this incident, this guy probably does deserve that. Lord knows that I am not going to be shedding a lot of tears for him. But what about the next one? It is fairly easy to condemn this guy but not every case is this cut and dried. Where do you draw the line?

In any case, I, and I know that I am in the minority here, would much rather not see this guy get the death penalty. I would much rather see him get life in prison and go to general population in an American prison. If he gets the death penalty he will live out his days in a protected cell by himself. General population would be different or so I am given to understand. He is a child murderer and even prisoners have a moral code. My understanding is that some of the things that happen to child murderers in US prisons would make Torquemada queasy.