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Thread: Nine children among 16 dead after US serviceman attacks villagers

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  1. #1
    Council Member tequila's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eden View Post
    I think there is also the Afghan equivalent of NIMBY. The murder of a few villagers is unremarkable, and for most Afghans those who died were "not in my village, not in my clan, not in my valley, not in my tribe". There is no emotional connection and therefore no outrage. Desecration of the Qu'ran, on the other hand, attacks one of the few things that give most Afghans some meaning in their life. They must react to that act of desecration in order to preserve their concept of self-worth.
    I think this is a very good analysis, with the qualification of course that if every Afghan thought that they absolutely had to react to the Quran burnings to preserve their self worth, there would be a lot more dead Americans right now that there have been.

  2. #2
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    Is this 9/11 related? without knowing the background of the soldier in question but it seems he's been in 11 years(joining at the time or close to 9/11)Did this happen because how that may have affected him?Is this delayed "revenge" for that? The hard part for me why so many children?Adults yes ,Adults can be threats if he had shot only Adults I could almost" jam with that" but children, surely the general consensus is children are not threating?Why so many especially since he's a father ,does he have a child related tragedy in his past perhaps 9/11 related? Of course he might just be a complete and utter fruitcake.

  3. #3
    Council Member Kevin23's Avatar
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    Default Shooting suspect's name leaked

    The identity of this guy has been leaked according to CNN.

  4. #4
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    Default Measures of Men

    Worth reading is Bob Scales' OpEd in the Washington Post, Too many wars, too few U.S. soldiers (13 Mar 2012), keeping in mind his own qualification:

    My sense is that their collective, intimate exposure to the horrors of close combat was far more debilitating than what we experienced.

    This of course in no way justifies what happened in Kandahar.
    Asserting a lousy war, asserting a lousy branch of service, asserting lousy National Command Authorities - none of those are valid defenses to homicide; and none of them are likely to influence the members of a GCM.

    His cup runneth over, however, is simply a fact as both MG (ret.) Scales and Lord Moran (and a plethora of others) point out.

    Sometimes, the overflowing cup becomes obvious in time to prevent harm (Ricks and Stars & Stripes).

    Other times, no overflowing cup exists; but the picture of a truly evil person emerges - albeit with some symptoms of mental illness (Stars & Stripes and Orange County Register, source based on grand jury transcript).

    The stories linked above (threatened serial killings and actual serial killings) broke this week !

    Scott: Welcome to SWC. S.Sgt. Bales' service record (and life history) will be dissected. Perhaps, some of your questions will be answered.



  5. #5
    Council Member carl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott_i View Post
    Is this 9/11 related? without knowing the background of the soldier in question but it seems he's been in 11 years(joining at the time or close to 9/11)Did this happen because how that may have affected him?Is this delayed "revenge" for that? The hard part for me why so many children?Adults yes ,Adults can be threats if he had shot only Adults I could almost" jam with that" but children, surely the general consensus is children are not threating?Why so many especially since he's a father ,does he have a child related tragedy in his past perhaps 9/11 related? Of course he might just be a complete and utter fruitcake.
    Scott_i: It doesn't matter why. It murdered, mass murdered. There is no jamming with that no matter the age. It murdered people who could not defend themselves, over and over. Then when it was done, the thing ran back to mommy so it could be protected from the wrath of those close to its victims.

    Barring any genuine "heard voices" mental illness or a brain tumor or something like that, the thing deserves nothing but contempt. It isn't a human any more.
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  6. #6
    Council Member Dayuhan's Avatar
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    The question in my mind is whether there were any warning signs in the picture that might/should have been noticed and acted upon before this happened. Not saying there had to have been, just wondering if there were.

    "How could this happen" isn't really the question. Put 100k people under intense pressure for enough time, the laws of probability say sooner or later somebody snaps, no matter how well selected the group is. That makes it all the more important for people to keep watch for any indication that something's not right. Not meant to excuse or justify in any way, just saying that it's a possibility that has to be accepted and looked out for when people are placed in these positions.
    “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary”

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  7. #7
    Council Member Culpeper's Avatar
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    I'm not going to buy too many deployments. These volunteers get to come home for periods before being redeployed. In the case of this soldier he reenlisted knowing full well he would be deployed throughout his enlistment. Thousands upon thousands have done it without murdering women and children. PTSD is BS as well. I have an uncle that wet the bed for a year after The Bulge but he moved on with his life. I understand the horrors of war but PTSD has lost its value because too many soldiers use it as a form of entitlement. It is an abused diagnosis no different than affirmative action, which doesn't work as originally planned. This guy's record shows he was a a warrior and a leader. Then he made a stupid mistake. I consider him a self-centered SOB that murdered and caused irreversible damage on too many levels. Just sayin'.
    Last edited by Culpeper; 03-17-2012 at 03:55 AM.
    "But suppose everybody on our side felt that way?"
    "Then I'd certainly be a damned fool to feel any other way. Wouldn't I?"

  8. #8
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    Default From His Platoon Leader

    From Free Republic, Afghanistan massacre suspect named as Sgt Robert Bales.

    I'm posting the entirety of the posts by the 31-year old CPT posting as Future Snake Eater. If he is who he says he is (a photo of Bales and him is posted by him !), he will undoubtedly end up as a character witness called by the defense. He is not a res gestae witness of the events in Astan. The value of character witnesses is subject to some argument. The Chicago Jury Study of long ago proved that character witnesses are more sentence determinative than outcome determinative; although, in any event, character witnesses are better than no defense witnesses. The posts below are not quite as dramatic as 1st Lt. Ollie North's character testimony for Herrod in his 1970 Son Thang GCM, which found Herrod not guilty of 16 charged murders. The members of that panel thought well of North, but did not feel that his testimony swayed them.

    I served with Bales for three years as his Platoon Leader. He is an absolutely outstanding Soldier, and what has transpired here is so out of character, I don't even know where to start. Please keep his wife and two young kids in your thoughts and prayers. He needs help. Hopefully he'll get it.
    1 posted on Friday, March 16, 2012 6:54:03 PM by Future Snake Eater
    To: darkwing104 [I sure hope the Army does everything to protect his family]
    To my knowledge they are. Part of the delay in releasing his name was getting his family relocated to a secure area so as to protect them from possible repercussions from ROP types or even would-be liberal “do-gooders” (you know, teach us baby-killers a lesson, right?).
    5 posted on Friday, March 16, 2012 7:03:05 PM by Future Snake Eater (Don't stop. Keep moving!)
    To: All
    RE: Bales' three Iraq deployments--
    They were all with the 3d Stryker Brigade Combat Team. That's the Army's first ever Stryker Brigade. He went with them on their first deployment to Mosul in Northern Iraq. That one BDE relieved the entire 101st Airborne Division. Not only that, but Strykers had never been used in combat, so they had to figure that all out on the fly as well.

    I got to the company right as they came back from Iraq. I can tell you for certain, Bales stood out immediately as a go-to guy. He was an E-4 (Specialist) at the time but quickly got promoted to Sergeant and took over my 1st Squad, Alpha Team. He is VERY smart, very intense, and was just everything you could want in a Team Leader. He knew when to be relaxed, and he knew when to be hard. He could joke around with guys during down-time, then be 100% business on a mission.

    He saved my Stryker during one particular engagement. We had been in Mosul for months (this was his second deployment, my first). When you're in an area for that long, you can easily let your guard down when you NEVER take contact. Bales, however, was always on his game. We were checking out an area in a fairly tight alleyway, and he pulled security directly to the rear of the vehicle from his hatch. I was talking to my commander over the radio when I heard Bales yell "RPG!" and then immediately open fire. By the time I had even dropped into my hatch, he had shot the RPG shooter, causing the RPG to fly high and miss my vehicle. They caught the guy later that day getting treated for a GSW in an Iraqi hospital.

    That second deployment was hell. It was Jul 2006-Sept 2007, 15 months, during the height of the insanity in that country. We got bounced around all over the country after we left Mosul. Constant stress, always waiting to be blown up or ambushed--AQI, Iraqi Army, Iraqi Police, who knew? In our last three months, we were in a neighborhood called Dora. Just in the first week we had six Strykers destroyed and over 40 people wounded. Bales was rock-solid the entire time.

    Bales was frequently the lead guy in the door whenever we conducted a raid (we did about 50 of them). He never complained, he wanted to be there for his guys. A tremendous NCO.

    I honestly don't care what comes out of this, b/c I know who he is. I just hope that you all will keep this in mind when you see the inevitable character assassination on TV news.
    10 posted on Friday, March 16, 2012 7:14:37 PM by Future Snake Eater (Don't stop. Keep moving!)
    My favorite pic of Bales. My Stryker vehicle commander had a feeling we were going to get hit with an IED on that particular patrol. Bales and I both bet him $0.50 we'd get through just fine. When we reached the next FOB without any issue, my VC tore a $1 bill in half and gave us each one. This was our celebratory photo.

    23 posted on Friday, March 16, 2012 7:36:29 PM by Future Snake Eater (Don't stop. Keep moving!)
    To: killermedic
    Too many clowns who’ve “deployed” but never even seen a combat patrol, let alone combat, think they can moralize via long distance. I’ve seen it before (in my Career Course class). The constant mental strain of waiting to get hit, knowing that it could come at any time, knowing that you’ll likely never even see direct enemy contact since they know better than to engage you like takes a major toll after a few months.

    I don’t like to play the “I was there, you weren’t” card, but it’s really something you just can’t know unless you experience it. He did it three times and was well under way for a fourth. We had guys killed and limbs blown off in our deployment. We had guys up and quit on the spot b/c they couldn’t take the stress. We saw the charred corpses of other Soldiers, dead kids, the looks of sheer hatred from the populace we were supposedly there to help.

    He took every bit of it. Everyone has their breaking point.
    41 posted on Friday, March 16, 2012 7:54:14 PM by Future Snake Eater (Don't stop. Keep moving!)
    To: LittleSpotBlog [Interesting...the NBC nightly news just showed photos of Bales, and he looks nothing like the Bales in this pic.]

    I just looked it up on the NBC World News site. That’s definitely him.
    47 posted on Friday, March 16, 2012 8:00:06 PM by Future Snake Eater (Don't stop. Keep moving!)
    To: PapaBear3625 [You think it’s a good idea to put a pic of him on a public forum? Unless his pic is already plastered throughout the media?]

    It is. I purposely withheld any/all info I had about him until the press did their thing. Now, it’s up to us, his comrades-in-arms, to make sure the word gets out that this man is NOT a psychopath, that if he did indeed do this, then he needs help, NOT a prison cell or a death sentence.
    60 posted on Friday, March 16, 2012 8:09:48 PM by Future Snake Eater (Don't stop. Keep moving!)
    To: jesseam [PTSD is a horrible thing. My last combat exposure was five years ago and I still drop whenever a sudden noise occurs; God help the Sargeant. OIF vet]

    Thankfully it only took me a few months to shake the “jumps” though I was quite a piece of work during my R&R leave!

    Stay safe, brother.
    132 posted on Friday, March 16, 2012 10:12:24 PM by Future Snake Eater (Don't stop. Keep moving!)
    To: Toespi
    Yeah, that’s him.
    137 posted on Friday, March 16, 2012 10:27:39 PM by Future Snake Eater (Don't stop. Keep moving!)

    To: MinuteGal
    Bales on the right, I’m on the left.
    138 posted on Friday, March 16, 2012 10:29:43 PM by Future Snake Eater (Don't stop. Keep moving!)
    There will be much, much more to this case - evidence favorable for the prosecution; evidence favorable for the defense.


    Last edited by jmm99; 03-17-2012 at 06:15 AM.

  9. #9
    Council Member Stan's Avatar
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    Hey Mike,
    Thanks for the excellent post. As always, very thorough !

    I am more than certain he did a ton of good soldiering and we'll continue to find events suggesting he still is and just needs help.

    Unless he produces a handgun under each and every child's pillow from that evening, I can't think of any reason to line them up and do head shots.

    Even if he wasn't a father of two, the entire event is inexcusable and inexplicable. If I was one of his offspring, I'd be real worried about his return home
    If you want to blend in, take the bus

  10. #10
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    Default Some character witnesses for each side

    AP is running After days of secrecy, US suspect in Afghan killings ID'd, a father of 2 with arrest record and Neighbors say Afghan attack suspect was family man.

    The arrest charges were (quotes from each story):

    But court records show Bales was arrested at a Tacoma, Wash., hotel in 2002 for investigation of assault on a woman he dated before he married his wife, his lawyer, John Henry Browne, confirmed. Bales pleaded not guilty, underwent 20 hours of anger management counseling and the case was dismissed, according to court records. A separate hit-and-run charge was dismissed in a nearby town's municipal court three years ago, according to records.
    Bales completed 20 hours of anger-management counseling following a 2002 arrest at a Tacoma hotel for investigation of assault. Browne said the case involved a woman other than Bales' wife, whom he married in 2005.

    Tacoma Municipal court administrator Yvonne Pettus provided a copy of the court docket, but said clerks could not immediately locate the case file, which is either in archives or destroyed. The docket shows that Bales pleaded not guilty, underwent the 20 hours of anger management treatment, and the case was dismissed.

    Records also associated with Bales show that in 2009 he had a hit-and-run charge dismissed in municipal court in Sumner.
    The neighbors had this to say (quotes from each story):

    ...Neighbors described him Friday as good-natured and warm, and recalled seeing him playing outside the family's modern split-level with his children, ages 3 and 4.
    Neighbors, though, recalled a man who was stoic about his time at war and didn't let on much.

    "He always had a good attitude about being in the service," said Kassie Holland, who lives next door. "He was never really angry about about it. When I heard him talk, he said ... `yeah, that's my job. That's what I do.' He never expressed a lot of emotion toward it."

    Holland called Bales kind-hearted around the neighborhood. "I can't believe it was him," she said. "There were no signs. It's really sad. I don't want to believe that he did it."
    Neighbors of a Washington state man accused of gunning down 16 Afghan women and children in a nighttime rampage describe him as a family man who was "just one of the guys."
    "I just can't believe Bob's the guy who did this," said Paul Wohlberg, a next-door neighbor who said his family was friendly with the Bales family. "A good guy got put in the wrong place at the wrong time. ... I never thought something like this would happen to him."

    Wohlberg described Bales as a "good guy _ just one of the guys."

    Kassie Holland, who lives next door, said she would often see Bales playing with his two kids and the family together at the modern split-level home.

    "My reaction is that I'm shocked," Holland said. "I can't believe it was him. There were no signs. It's really sad. I don't want to believe that he did it.

    "He always had a good attitude about being in the service. He was never really angry about it," she said. "When I heard him talk, he said, it seemed like, `Yeah, that's my job. That's what I do.' He never expressed a lot of emotion toward it."

    "I kind of sympathize for him, being gone, being sent over there four times," said Beau Britt, who lives across the street. "I can understand he's probably quite wracked mentally, so I just hope that things are justified in court. I hope it goes OK."
    Alissa Cinkovich, 45, has lived in the neighborhood for seven years, and said it was scary that Bales had been living nearby.

    "I would like to think he just went off his rocker because of the war," Cinkovich said.
    Prior to Astan deployment, Bales was at the NTC:

    Spc. Ryan Hallock
    In this Aug. 23, 2011 Defense Video & Imagery Distribution System photo, Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, right, participates in an exercise at the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, Calif. Five days after an attack on Afghan villagers killed 16 civilians, a senior U.S. official identified the shooter in that attack as Bales. The man at left is unidentified. (AP Photo/DVIDS, Spc. Ryan Hallock)

    I don't know which way this might cut.



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