Falkland Islands: Britain 'would lose' if Argentina decides to invade now

Idyllic though his retirement seems, Woodward insists his views are relevant. “I have stayed very much in touch with what’s going on. I don’t hesitate to tell the First Sea Lord if I think he’s getting it wrong, and he, bless him, actually does take some notice. I am, after all, the only senior naval officer still alive who has taken the Navy to war. That doesn’t mean to say I’m right, but I’m probably worth listening to. Albeit with a pained expression.”

'One Hundred Days’ by Admiral Sandy Woodward (HarperPress) is available from Telegraph Books for £8.99 plus £1.25 p&p. Call 0844 871 1516 or go to books.telegraph.co.uk
The Brits don't make them like this anymore... to their cost!