Here is my dad's Zippo:


Sent in twice by him for new internals (the last time in 1974).

So, we remember the artifacts of wars; but more so, we must remember the wars themselves and the men who fought them.

Zippo was able to guarantee repair of the Zippo's internals. The men who return from wars do not have that nicety; and, have to make their own repairs over perhaps decades - at least, two decades for my dad.

In the meantime, they do not have to be basket cases - a condition reserved for some of their far less fortunate brothers. They can have very successful professional and personal lives (without harming anyone, including their families - as with my dad). The internal demons are well concealed to all but those living with them. Those demons can break loose (for no apparent, rational reason), resulting in attempted suicide or attempted murder - and going from attempt to actual is just a trigger squeeze away.

This isn't theoretical to me. It's simply a personal, experienced set of facts. That being said, you all are entitled to whatever opinions you want to express.

Just saying
