Gentlemen, I'm just a retired NCO who got his graduate degree at night school. I don't have any experience, just common sense. As an NCO, when my troops aren't performing to the standard, I knocked their heads.

President Bush, at this juncture doesn't have to worry about making or keeping friends. Why doesn't he knock some heads? Can he? Has he tried that approach?

Wouldn't the creation of a "Czar" require hammering out new laws? Creating support staff, in short, wouldn't it take a lot of time? And wouldn't the position inevitably be tainted by partisanship anyway? Why go through the trouble to create another position that ultimately will not help?

I think I'd hold a "come to Jesus meeting" and I'd lay it on the line, demand interagency cooperation on a scale never seen before, and I would tell them if this doesn't happen I'll fire you, and if I can't fire you I'll spend the rest of my term making your life as miserable as I possibly can.