I can say with considerable certainty, that while I at times mix my metaphors or get my facts wrong, I have never intentionally "shaded" any facts to make a point.

That said, yes, France's support to the Colonies absolutely undermined the legitimacy of our movement. Consider the subsequent decades of British harassment of American shipping and their burning of our capital as exhibit one. Ultimately we EARNED our legitimacy on our own right, but it took time. While I doubt the British government had come to that conclusion by the time they agreed to the Monroe Doctrine, they were always pragmatic enough to recognize the value of forming convenient allies to meet shared interests...

As to the 1947 UN Plan of Partition, I don't know the details of what that entailed or why any of the affected parties made any of the decisions they made based upon the contents of the same.

But I do know that if China helped create a "Spanish State" in California based upon some historical claim of Spanish right and a residual populace that Americans everywhere would fight that decision to the bitter end, regardless of what the UN might declare. And that is without any religious undertone. Sometimes religion is a big factor, sometimes it's just a big smokescreen to the real issues.

These are not black and white issues, obviously, but the human dynamic cannot be discounted. Human nature is a constant that provides a solid point of departure for attempting to understand these things. Certainly more reliable than official government statements, insurgent narratives, or post facto histories of unknown agenda.