Quote Originally Posted by KingJaja View Post
This looks like total mayhem. It seems as if Mali has been set back a few years.
Sadly, now set back several decades. This sounds like just about every upheaval I've had the pleasure of witnessing.

It's one thing to say you're doing it for your people and country...

The mutinous soldiers, angered by what they saw as President Amadou Toumani Toure's poor handling of a northern rebellion, roamed the streets of the capital after over-running the presidential palace and taking control of state television.
And, it's entirely another to perform this, with the general consent and participation of the population...

"People are afraid because of the soldiers. Often (they take) what is in the car or they make you get out and take the car or sometimes the soldiers themselves just break into shops," said Bamako resident Adama Quindo.
This would be more to be concerned about and just where it's heading after Mali

flooded with men and weapons after Libya's civil war