Morning !

Quote Originally Posted by Dayuhan View Post
Communist rebels here used to target the police, not because the police were a threat to them but because their target market had an extreme (and largely justified) dislike for the police. Wouldn't know if that's the case elsewhere, just wondering....
The police have not shown any noteworthy capability nor energy. Their forensics on post blast barely exist, so each event is like starting from scratch. There will be common denominators which in practice make things clearer and easier. Not CSI Miami, just sound practices and principles the remainder of the world uses.

Quote Originally Posted by Dayuhan View Post
Far fewer BH guys around, yes... if the companies were looking in the right place, and if the BH guys were still around when they got there. In many places (Nigeria may or may not be different) these operations are often far from secret and it's often not that difficult for the targets to become elsewhere. Then they sit back and watch while the soldiers kick around the locals and get them even more pissed off at the government. If BH has informants in the military or the capacity to monitor troop movements it will be difficult to pin them down like that.

Again, Nigeria may be different but around here the overwhelming firepower rarely has any real effect. What works (on the rare occasions when it's done) is developing good intel on safe houses, movements, leadership structures etc and moving on individuals and small units before they have a chance to respond.
Concur, it will not be that easy and certainly moving around like an ape in the china closet will draw attention and further erode any positive reputation the military may have with the general population.

However, being persistently hunted and having to constantly be on the watch and move to yet another safe house has some benefit. BH won't be making IEDs or planning while on the go. And each time a safe house is ransacked, there'll be stuff left behind and forensic evidence.

As far as firepower goes, I was referring more to countering any BH attack than to proactive destruction.