Can anyone link me to some more current info on USG security capacity building efforts in Mali?

In 2010, according to DSCA they received a paltry 200k in FMF monies. But, the Trans Saharan Counter Terrorism Initiative is funded under a different line by Congress. Am I correct? Is the TSCTI primarily implemented by AFRICOM? From what I can ascertain, AID and DoS also have a role, but I'm concerned more with the CT training part of it.

Essentially what I'm trying to answer is: How much does the USG have invested in counter-AQIM efforts in Mali and how will these efforts be set back by the recent coup?

I know the USG tends to work with whomever is convenient, but I doubt relations with the ruling junior officers will continue as normal.

I'd love a link with some more solid information on training, but please do weigh in any way you see fit.