I think it would be fair to ask more of our Army if we were to start asking more of all U.S. Citizens. To compare this to the situation in World War Two is far off base. When you look at the war-time economy, the sacrifices we asked the public to make and the entire shift of a peacetime to a war time economy, you are dealing with apples and oranges. When the leading two news stories involve Anna Nichole Smith (she's still dead) and Three Duke Lacrosse players, that should give you a sense of where our nation's priorities lay.

Personally, I think about 100,000 spirits were crushed yesterday along with an unknown number of families already asked to sacrifice so much. Will the Army continue to perform like it always has...yes. Will our soldiers take the fight to the enemy as hard as they possibly can...yes. Does it suck to be an active duty soldier or family member...yes. I believe that as we look back on this decision a few years from now, that this will be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Remember, we are a military at war, not a nation at war. Maybe I should get out join the reserves...looks like shorter tours and more time at home! Or better yet, switch over to the Marines. I'd rather do multiple 7 month tours than big 15 month swaths of time in Iraq. Then again, I get seasick pretty easy so I guess I'll just keep on my ACUs and continue to suck it up like the rest of my brothers and sisters. Just my $.02.