It's widely assumed that US exercises with Philippine and regional forces are a response to specific incidents involving China. This is generally not the case. The exercises are scheduled far in advance and the Chinese know when they are happening. More likely that the Chinese are tossing up incidents to fit the schedule and make it look like the US is doing a knee-jerk reaction.
These exercises do not address single incidents.

These exercises are aimed at a general strategic aim.

One does not undertake exercises just for the sake of exercising its forces to keep them trim. All exercises have aims. India does annual exercises with the US and other navies ‘for anti piracy interoperability’. That is eye wash. One does not do anti piracy ops in areas that are not infested with pirates!

Actually they're pretty shrewd. China is in no way the biggest military problem they face, and the actual nature of the "threat" is not one that will be affected by the presence of some US troops. The US has certain issues with supporting the Government's efforts to suppress its multiple cyclic insurgencies, so playing the China card is more likely to get stuff than playing the insurgency card.
Bringing in a US presence to be a threat in being to the Moro Muslim rebellion is like a red rag being shown to a bull!

So, the Philippines Govt wants to raise the hornets’ nest?

I find it naïve and too simplistic an explanation since I wonder if that meets the US strategic interest too! I would think that if the Moros were to be eliminated and not aggravated, 600 US soldier would not do the trick.

At best, the stationing of US troops (whatever be the strength) is basically to have a ‘core group’ on which a larger force can build up on, if and when the necessity arises. Till then, they remain a ‘threat in being’ and a warning of greater things to come!

I think you're making certain assumptions about the nature of the perceived threat, and I'm not sure those assumptions are consistent with what's actually going on locally.
I am not looking at local issue but the external issues and the indicators as I have already explained.

Fickle, yes... most people are. Totally idiotic, no, though sometimes emotion has to settle before people start seeing through the bull####.
I think the American Govt is neither fickle nor idiotic, nor do I feel that those who voted the Govt in are so. I find the US and its govt very focussed in their aims, even if the aims are not internationally appreciated. The US reminds me of the Canadian Mounties motto – Mounties always get their man!

You may not appreciate it because you are in the Philippines which has a history of closeness to the US. I see what is happening in India and what has happened in Vietnam! India does not want to surrender its sovereignty, and yet she is voting with the US against her interests. Vietnam, a avowed enemy of the US, has sunk her pride and ‘aligned’ with the US.

So, to feel that the US is a lost soul meandering in the dark, is not right!

Truth or stereotype? Most assumptions about "national character" are stereotype based and few survive extended exposure to a culture and it's people.
I go by report of the US on business with the Japanese.
Now, if the US chaps are wrong, then I am wrong and you alone are right!

When did I say it was useless? People with divergent interests can always discuss ways to balance their interests, and can seek win-win solutions to that divergence.
The way you address issues indicates so!

Only if you assume that the desire for military aid is a response to a threat from China. There's little basis for such an assumption, given the far more imminent threats in the picture.
Surely it is not to act as if one is the new bloke on the block!

I don't expect to see a major confrontation any time soon. Little to justify it on either side, barring major political events in China.’
No one has said there will be a major confrontation.

China is still not equipped to take on the US and its allies and friends.

I don't need to Google, been following that situation closely for many years.
I would say you are lucky that you are aware of the news and views of all, to include the countries that are China’s neighbour without Googling.

And why would Muslims not see light? How is some vast and devious American strategy needed to explain why people who see a neighbor toss out a dictator might get the idea of tossing out their own? If you're going to seriously propose that the Arab Spring was the result of American Design, you'll need to produce some tangible evidence to support that conclusion, thought it's really a matter for another thread.
One would then have to start from the time and manner how the Pope toppled the apple cart in Poland and how enemies of the US were slowly squeezed out and then how the focus shifted to another lot that were causing great anxiety to the US.

But as you rightly said, it is for another thread.