Quote Originally Posted by tequila View Post
I don't see anywhere in your post where you have a different solution other than the destruction of Afghan farmland where poppies are grown - just moral arguments about how poppies must be destroyed.
Sorry friend but you need to up the intellectual level of your argument.

Destroying a crop is not the equivalent of destroying the farmland itself. Taking out a key piece of the irrigation system does not mean that the whole irrigation system gets to be destroyed... just placed beyond use (if necessary) until they play ball.

Yes I know that in the US of today everything, and that means everything, is negotiable but that does not negate from the simple truth that the US forces in Afghanistan are nothing more than proxies for druglords and corrupt politicians. If that is as low as the US military has sunk to then thats how it is ... but let no one talk of honour and the honourable profession of arms while that is going on.