Quote Originally Posted by Ray View Post
Have we ever wondered how China has been so good to the US in converting it from a 'hate' icon to a loveable cuddly teddy bear?

Not only in the Pacific rim, but all around the world?
When did the Chinese convert the US from anything to anything else?

Quote Originally Posted by Ray View Post
Now some news for Dayuhan and Backwards Observer...

Nasty chaps, these Americans.

Always obstructing the peaceful rise of China to grab all!

Imagine that!

Peaceful China and silly US creating tensions.

They should allow China to peacefully rise!
The sub story is a bit overstated; I can't see it inflaming any tensions with China. There will be a ritual denunciation and business will go on as usual.

The idea that China intends to "grab all" seems a bit over the top, as is the belief, widespread in much of the world, that the US intends to "grab all".

Quote Originally Posted by carl View Post
I read the first article on the link you provided and got so depressed I couldn't read anymore. American intel on China is a combination of incompetence, arrogance, ignorance, failure and ideologically driven willful blindness. It is depressing to think that in less than 10 years, Red Chinese J-20s will be flying around picking off American jets (not the F-35, that will still be in development) at will; and right up to the time the first jets go down the American intel community will still be saying they don't have the capability or they won't actually do so because deep down inside, they are our buddies. And then, the intel community will still deny it is happening and recommend we ask Pakistan to help us clear up the misunderstanding.
Gertz is an ideologue with a specific ideological agenda, and I wouldn't base an opinion on anything he writes or publishes. I know he refers to a Congressional report, but we all know those reports can be cherrypicked to "support" any number of agendas. A whole lot of looking into the other side of the picture would be called for.

Certainly one wouldn't go all Pollyanna and decide that the Chinese are entirely benign and couldn't possibly be any threat to anyone... but the hysterical Sinophobia that pops up now and again is every bit as irrational and potentially every bit as dangerous. Useful, though, if you're one of those who feels bereft without someone to fear.

A side note for those who love to look for linkages... the annual US/Philippines military exercises start Monday, which may or may not have anything to do with the Scarborough incident. Not the only exercise, but the largest scheduled bilateral one.