Back in the early days of the Roman Empire, they ruled the known world with about 400 civil servants. By the time of Constantine (about 300 years) that number had swelled to over 40,000. iI about 100 more years, the city of Rome was sacked by the Goths.
And let us not forget that the vast majority of "civil servants" in the Roman Empire were either slaves or eunuchs. I will leave any current analogies to the thoughts of the individual reader . That's why the Goths had to come in and protect the Western Empire from the depredations of the real barbarians, like the Vandals whose group excursion tour of Rome in 412 caused such damage.

Quote Originally Posted by Tom Odom View Post
Maybe if the French Canadians sack DC, we can start over
Now, Tom, you know that we did that in 1814. I'll admit, we should have had more troops from la Belle Province along on that little excursion, but, what can I say, space was limited .

On a (slightly) more serious note, the job description is both revealing and disturbing:

According to the proposal, the execution manager would develop "clearly assigned responsibility, deadlines, performance metrics (as appropriate) and a system of accountability to ensure progress" in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Didn't the US fight in a little "dust up" called Vietnam with that mindset? One has to wonder if the person responsible for the proposal hasn't been staring at MS Project screens for to long!
