Quote Originally Posted by AmericanPride View Post
Government policy, or the lack thereof in some cases, has a direct bearing on military readiness, culture, and capabilities.
Absolutely true. But that was not my main point. Gov policy cannot really change American civilian cultural attitudes toward the military and military service. That is more of a long term problem in my view, especially the attitudes of the elites.

Quote Originally Posted by AmericanPride View Post
This report concludes that the majority of military recruits originate from middle income neighborhoods. Barriers to entry (mostly education and criminal records) preclude many of the underclass, while the upper class have better things to do with their time (and lives). This does not mean that the middle class are any more patriotic or willing to serve -- it just means, they are the only ones eligible.
That is not true. The middle class are not the only ones eligible. The upper classes are eligible, they choose not to join up. They may not a remunerative recruiting target but they are eligible. So they are definitely less willing to serve.

Quote Originally Posted by AmericanPride View Post
It's clear by these facts and figures that government policy (and in many cases, the lack thereof) has produced a situation in which we have a culturally isolated professional military force that is not representative of the national whole (Asians in particular are underrepresented). The draft is one method of correcting this demographic problem.
There is cultural isolation but I don't know if that is such a problem, oil field workers may be culturally isolated too but that is no great concern. People who have an interest in the war and fighting may have similar interests in other things too. The critical thing is will they obey the civilian gov and there is no evidence at all that I know of that they won't.

If there are underrepresented demographic groups in the military it is because the people in those groups aren't interested in war and fighting. Drafting them won't make them any more interested. It will just make them resentful draftees.

The draft isn't going to happen and if it were, the elites would make sure that their offspring wouldn't have to go. The elites may be interested in elected office and high number GS service but not in war and fighting. A draft won't make them interested.