Quote Originally Posted by carl View Post
Translation of the passage quoted by VCheng "It's the Yankees fault and things would be so much better if they would just understand the Pak Army/ISI's strategic concerns." or more simply "Just do what we want and keep the money coming."

Pakistan Army has perfected the milking of the foreign bogeyman concept to a high art over the decades, and is finding it to its purpose to paint the India-USA (Hindus and Jews - "Hanood-o-Yahood" in local parlance- what could be juicier?) nexus as the existential threat to its captive nation.

From USA's point of view, it will be a long hard struggle to bring this out-of-control nuclear-capable terrorist-spawning monster under some form of decent civilian control, given the absolutely horrible robber baron trash that passes as politicians these days in Pakistan.

Couple this with the increasingly insurmountable social problems ranging from water to power to education to the economy, and John Le Carre himself could not lay the stage for a more dramatic thriller for the next decade or two.

Am I being hyperbolic? Not at all, for I have some idea of what I speak about here.