
We will have to keep on eye on how the nationalization of Respol plays out. Have you run a pre-nationalization analysis that you would be willing to share?

I have been looking at the Euro financial sector....low, low prices...but for a reason

Speaking of banks, here is some interesting work on the globalization and interconnectedness of finance:

Bloomberg: “Money, Power & Wall Street” “Takes No Prisoners”, April 23, 2012, 1:45 pm ET by Azmat Khan

FRONTLINE’s four-hour epic on the global financial crisis — the first two hours of which air tomorrow evening — goes inside the struggles to rescue and repair a shattered economy, exploring key decisions, missed opportunities and the unprecedented and uneasy partnership between government leaders and titans of finance.

“Money, Power and Wall Street is demanding — this isn’t Finance for Dummies,” Evans writes in the review. “But it’s a compact and thorough lesson.”
Episode 1 and Episode 2 are posted at the PBS Frontline Money, Power, and Wall Street website