Quote Originally Posted by davidbfpo View Post
The following text is from a SWC reader, who was responding to Post 26 and the first linked article (written unlike the others by a non-American):
Your quote contains this summation:

""The reality is that the APB will not drive military decision making in some constructive manner unless the collective western military establishment changes its views on R2P. In the meantime, innocent people will continue to die, cultures will continue to be lost, and national interests may or may not evolve to incorporate humanist interests as they related to the senseless killing of innocent civilians.""

For the first phrase I extracted, I would certainly hope that the collective western military establishment does not change it's views. If they did and start intervening more often, that's the most likely way I can think of to kill more innocent civilians...

As an aside, he mentions Romeo Dallaire -- I am not a fan, not least because he fans this foolishness...

For the last thought in that extracted paragraph above -- as it was in the beginning, is now and forever shall be...