Previous threads:

Troop ‘Surge’ Took Place Amid Doubt and Debate, last update 08-31-2008 (x1 post):

Six Months That Could Change Iraq, last update 12-29-2007 (x4 posts):

The Success of the Surge, a SWJ article:

Six Questions for Doug Macgregor on Iraq and the Surge (x17 posts) last update:

The Surge: First Fruits (x17 posts) last update 05-22-2007:

Keys to a Successful Surge (x11 posts) last update 03-14-2007:

Thoughts on a possible "surge" in Iraq (x33 posts) last update 01-14-2007:

Inside the Surge: 1-5 Cavalry in Ameriyah, SWJ article 10-27-2008:

The Battle of Baghdad (maybe not Surge discussion) (x44 posts) 04-17-2008 last update:

Our Troops Did Not Fail in 2006 (x16 posts) last update 04-07-2008:

Could Someone Please Explain the "Surge Strategy" to Me (x24 posts) 07-08-2007 last update: