Quote Originally Posted by carl View Post
Sorry Ken, that semantic thicket you are hiding in provides thin cover.
I don't hide.
...Simple incompetence is an alternative and I believe very definitely a more plausible explanation in my view.
That's certainly a factor but it doesn't explain the political power of either the Navy and Marines or of the National Guard, does it?[
Which, in my opinion, is wrong.
Dueling opinions --as usual, others will make up their own minds. Fortunately.
I did note your words about all democracies. I just disregarded them because we aren't talking about all of them, only one.
What's this "we" stuff. You may be talking about one of them, I am talking and have consistently talked about all or certainly most of them in this context. However, I acknowledge that "disregarding" the inconvenient helps give your opinion a slightly enhanced position.