Quote Originally Posted by ganulv View Post
Again a new word. For some unknown reason I've begun to learn new English words recently. Strange, for I believed I had already almost all of them in my passive repertoire.

Telling the truth about extremists is rarely appreciated by those who tolerate and cooperate with them.

The U.S. has been so much isolated from the rest of the world (especially from the non-anglophone world) and has such a low opinion about learning from others (assuming it should still be the other way around) that extremism of many kinds is quite widespread by now.

* % population incarcerated
* civilian gun ownership
* military spending
* small government vs. big government debate (next to non-existent in most countries)
* evolution vs. some nonsense (basically a rested case for almost a hundred years in Europe)
* evangelicals
* anti-abortion (even the Irish aren't that crazy about it and no, I won't quote the newspeak used to describe the opposing sides of this issue)
* de-industrialisation and over-emphasis of financial sector (OK, some European countries match this)
* campaigning against labour unions
* ludicrous ideas about what effects tax cuts can (supposedly) cause
* fetishism about "small business" owners and the upper class
* about zero net savings nationwide (!)
* share of fat people
* executive empowerment, hollowing out of civil rights
* money in politics on a never seen before scale
* lack of nature sciences and engineering studies graduations up to the point that about half of the manufacturing outsourcing is being justified by lack of skilled labour alone
* disrespect for the idea of compromise and deals (including utter disrespect for obligations once accepted voluntarily in treaties)
* ludicrous tolerance for hypocrisy, incompetence, manipulation, deception and public lying
* xenophobia, disrespect of foreign cultures/countries that do not bow to the U.S.

Europe has about as much extremism, but only in regional pockets, not continent-wide.