This situation and others disproves the completely unfounded idea that because the U.S. has a standing Army it is prone to rapidly get involved in other people's fights.

I think most realize there are no good options, so if we follow the rule, first do no harm, sitting on the side lines for a while does appear to be the best option. Intervening sooner will not prevent what has already started.

It is clear that Russia, Iran, Turkey, Lebanon, and a host of other nations all have interests in this conflict that are not humanitarian, so to imply that if we simply provide arms and other forms of aid to the opposition that this will lead to anything other than an uncontrolled escalation is delusional. If those calling for the U.S. to intervene are doing so for humanitarian purposes, IMO they are misguided, because that type of support will simply result in more bloodshed to real end.

If we intervene at all, I think it best to wait until the picture is clearer and there is a clear military objective. Please stop fighting doesn't qualify.