Quote Originally Posted by Bill Moore View Post
For AQ what are your recommendations? Defeat? Disrupt?
Grow up.

NATO boasts more than 600 million population and whatever AQ can do isn't even a real scratch on our surface.
It's at most a microscopic and temporary scratch on the surface, next to real cratches and even deep cuts.

We should begin to ignore them and everytime they actually succeed to kill some people we should take notice of it as a crime and put it into perspective. For example, we could report on a bus accident or the last month's influenza death statistic or the death rate from smoking before mentioning -ONCE- in the news that some criminals killed someone or a few people because of political hate.

Treat them as they deserve and they have already lost.

Meanwhile, everytime some fool suggests some expensive adventure or budget, make a counter-proposal, compare how many lives can be saved by investing in actual safety measures or medical research and then spend the money EVERY TIME on the more rational choice. Don't forget to expose and reprimand the fools who wanted to squander taxpayer money afterwards.