Maj.Gen. Rick Lynch discussed how the US is working with some insurgents on dealing with Zarqawi in this post on my blog. It is a rather long post, but I think you will find it worthwhile. He also had this to say about the groups they were actually dealing with:

The insurgency -- if you'll allow me to expand -- is three groups. It's terrorists and foreign fighters, Iraqi rejectionists, and the Saddamists. And what we find in that group called "Iraqi rejectionists," which are indeed individuals who may be dissatisfied with the established government, by outreach, by talking to them, by explaining the goodness of being part of the solution not part of the problem, we find that many of them end up being individuals that we can rely on to help make progress here in Iraq.

So we are indeed, with all the coalition forces and the coalition embassies, reaching out to individuals that we believe that could help reach the end state here in Iraq, which is a stable environment, an Iraq that's at peace with its neighbors, is an ally in the war on terror, that has a representative government and respects the human rights of all Iraqis. So there is indeed a dialogue taking place with individuals in that group we call the Iraqi rejectionists.

I think these are the guys they are tring to pull into the government and not necessarily the guys who are engaged in the red on red fighting with Zarqawi. There is a program to exploit that breach with Zarqawi and in his discussion about the degreadation of Zarqawi he does mention how they are working with some of the insurgents in Ramadi where there has been particular anger at the al Qaeda in Iraq forces.