Mutineers seize territory in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
"It looks as though [M23] have taken four or five villages and what I've heard is that the army is planning an offensive to take the positions back," Alex Essome, a spokesman for the UN's peacekeeping mission in provincial capital Goma told Reuters.

A spokesman for M23 said the group had inflicted heavy losses on government troops and seized large quantities of arms during fighting on Thursday, although this could not be independently verified.

Colonel Vianney Kazarama, who is leading the rebels in the area, said his group would consolidate their new positions and repel any counteroffensive. "If they attack us again, we'll chase them off," he said.

More surprisingly: a member of the UNSC is preventing the DRC Group of Experts to publish their mid term report with all the details on Rwanda backing up M23.

Fighting in the Kivus divides the UN Security Council

Now the diplomatic focus is shifting to New York, where, in response to the allegations of Rwandan involvement, the UN Security Council called yesterday for a "full investigation of credible reports of outside support to the armed groups."

This statement was more than puzzling. At the same time at the Chinese president of the council signed the statement, the UN Group of Experts was in the process of submitting its interim report, which reportedly includes investigations into these very allegations. According to diplomats working for Security Council members, one of their colleagues is threatening to obstruct the publication of the report in the coming week. The justification given for this would be that the submission of the report flouted procedural rules, but the diplomats I spoke to pointed to larger, political disagreements linked to the allegations of Rwandan involvement in the eastern Congo.

the mysterious case of the misisng GoE report
Making things even more bizarre, the Security Council on Friday released a statement condemning the mutiny and calling for investigation into "credible reports" of outside groups funding the crisis. As analyst Jason Stearns noted in a tweet on Saturday, why is the Security Council asking for an investigation while blocking the one the GoE already prepared for them?

If the motivation for withholding the annex is political, then it's easy to see why the GoE is fighting behind the scenes to include it; the GoE's mission has never been to bow to the political whims of anyone. Their purpose is to collect and analyze facts. If we've reached a day where facts are problematic for the United Nations, then we are in real trouble indeed.

Let say that after asking for a serious enquiery, some may have changed their mind...
Strange that it leaks through 2 US citizen DRC rexearchers/blogers. Does that mean that US are not the only one trying to save Kagame?